发布日期:2024-09-28 22:20 点击次数:157
On the 25th of April 2022 the Foreign teachers held a seminar on the topic of ‘Classroom Management’ in the admin building at Dongguan Foreign Language School.
After following Michael Linsin at Smart Classroom Management for over a decade, I now have the privilege of writing about our very own seminar on this important topic.
三级片在线动作实验Michael Linsin生动课堂不停理念跳动十年的教学,我有幸为咱们此次遑急的主题培训与探讨撰写一篇报说念
In attendance were 8 foreign teachers as well as the administration staff of Dongguan Foreign Language School who were also avid participants. The presenters of this topic were Teacher Anthony Cappa aka Mr T and Teacher Iryna Rodinka. Both complimented the topic very well as they covered all the grades from primary school all the way through to high school.
The question of classroom management always plagues teachers. We ask ourselves am I doing it right在线av hsex, am I crossing all the T’s and dotting all the I’s. Well today’s seminar certainly cleared up a lot of doubts says Mr T Dongguan’s popular and much loved high school teacher.
As all teachers know having effective classroom management techniques and tools are what is needed to have a successful learning environment. We know all too well that the age of students affects their behavior in the classroom as well as their academic abilities, but as teachers we need to manage the unforeseen circumstances that may arise. As foreign teachers teaching a foreign language the playing field becomes a lot more difficult. We need to take into account cultural aspects before implementing any rules or discipline. Therefore we need a diverse range of management skills to facilitate learning, which is why this seminar was so important. A teacher with a good plan in place will spend far less time disciplining and more time on learning says Teacher Iryna. Students know when they’re in a well-managed environment and it can affect their behavior in a positive or negative way. Teacher Iryna says that consistency plays a major role in carrying out an effective management plan. Teachers should have a discipline plan before the school year begins. An effective discipline plan includes various techniques to avoid, support, and correct inappropriate behavior in the classroom.
动作教学,咱们知说念有用的课堂不停手段与器具是课堂到手与否的必要要求。咱们也很明晰学生的年事阶段将影响其课堂行动和学习才智,但动作教学,咱们需要搪塞课堂上可能出现的一切景色。而身为教外语的外籍教学,咱们面对的境遇则愈加穷苦。咱们在履行任何规定或顺次之前需要琢磨文化各别, 因此,咱们需要各样化的课堂不停手段来促进课堂教学学习,这亦然为什么此次研讨会如斯遑急的原因。Iryna真挚提到,教学在课前作好充分准备,才会花更少时辰在课堂不停上,而将更多的时辰留给教学。学生能明晰感知其是否处于邃密有序的课堂环境,而其课堂行动也会受到正面或负面影响。Iryna真挚说,一致性在实施有用的课堂不停中发达着遑急作用。 在新学年运转前,教学应该制定一个顺次霸术。 一个有用的顺次霸术应包括各样幸免和校正学生在课堂上不当行动的措施和手段。
During the morning of the seminar all teachers took part in brainstorming various classroom management issues and worked on effective solutions. Teacher Iryna agrees that classrooms need to be managed to create a safe and secure environment for young learners and can influence their behavior. She also focuses on building strong relationships with all her students and they can stop by her classroom at anytime to talk or to just play with educational tools. Teacher Iryna believes that every teacher has a role to play in ensuring all students feel safe, welcome and comfortable in their environments and that teachers should also have a balance with classroom management, they shouldn’t be too strict.
在上昼的研讨会上,通盘教学皆参与商榷各样课堂不停问题,并筹商有用的不停有蓄意。 Iryna真挚以为,课堂不停相等有必要,它不错为学生创造一个安全的学习环境并影响学生的行动。 她还督察与通盘学生诞生沉着的关连,他们不错在职何本领到她的教室来交谈或仅仅玩玩教具。 Iryna真挚以为,每个真挚皆有包袱确保通盘学生在他们的环境中感到安全、受迎接和雅瞻念,教学也应该在课堂不停中找到均衡,他们不应该过于严厉。
All in all much knowledge was received from thorough research from our two honorable teachers. In conclusion good strategies are implemented by all foreign teachers and will continue to grow from strength to strength.
撰稿: Debbie Bishop Williams
审稿:梁 泉
裁剪:杨 笛
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